3 Leadership Skills Only Learned the Hard Way

Some lessons and skills can only be learned the hard way. Making sure the projector bulbs work before that big presentation is one. Withholding your wardrobe opinions with your wife is another. Making sure you bring your phone charger another.

And then there are a few serious lessons that effective leaders must learn the hard way. In fact the hard way is the only way these lessons and the ensuing skills are ever learned.

They must be experienced, not explained. Caught not just taught.

Basuki Endah Priyanto: Pemegang Paten Desain Algoritma Jaringan 4G di Swiss

Dr. Ir. Basuki Endah Priyanto, MEng sudah belasan tahun berkecimpung di bidang teknologi komunikasi nirkabel. Pria yang lahir di Bandung, 9 Juni 1976 ini mendesain algoritma pemrosesan sinyal digital telepon pintar generasi keempat untuk perusahaan telekomunikasi di Swedia, salah satu negara yang menjadi ”pusat” teknologi komunikasi nirkabel di Eropa. Basuki tercatat sebagai pemegang belasan paten desain algoritma.